Live-wire electric fencing Cape Town


 13 years ago

With the dawning of the new decade, we at Live Wire wish our customers and readers a Happy, Healthy and Crime Free 2010.

Live Wire Service Division is now geared up with 2 full time service teams, at the ready to fix, repair, service and maintain your electric fence.  Crime prevention is top of mind now, with the advent of the World Cup making us all more security conscious. It is important to keep your electric fence on at all times. Ensure that the battery is “full” and that your Live Wires are pushing out maximum voltage.  Keep your fence free of vegetation and plant growth to ensure optimum performance.

REPUTATION AND BACK-UP – Live Wire Electrified Fencing was established in 1998 and holds a reputation for excellent service and workmanship, backed up by dedicated Service Teams.  It is important, when considering your choice of Electric Fencing Service Provider, to select wisely and to ensure that you get the back up of after sales service together with your guarantee.  A guarantee is nothing without backup and support.

Live Wire also specialises in Electric Fencing installations and has a trained staff compliment of 16, headed up by Managing Member, Peter Reck.  Peter, formerly General Manager of a large guarding and security company in Cape Town, and with many years in the industry, has his Grade “A” Psira qualification.  Peter and Cathy Reck acquired ownership of Live Wire nearly 2 years ago, streamlining the day to day operations by keeping the Live Wire brand under one umbrella and disciplined management. “It is important for us to be ethical and honest by offering the very best service and workmanship to our customers.  This is our motto and the key to success, in all things” says Peter.

For electric fencing quotes and service in all areas, contact us on 021 552-6803 or see our ad for details.

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Nov. 20, 2013, 4:20 p.m
Invest in your family's safety - Electric fencing

One has only to look at the daily news articles available locally to understand and realize that the personal safety of yourself and your family is constantly under imminent threat.

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