Live-wire electric fencing Cape Town


 13 years ago

“Live Wire” was born in late 1998 when during an early electrified fence installation the tightly tensioned stainless steel wiring sprung loose, flying around wildly. During the ensuing pandemonium and impending danger the warning “Live Wire, Live Wire, Live Wire!” was shouted - rather like shouting “Timber” when a tree is being felled or “Four” to prevent one from being hit by a flying golf ball!   Our electrified fences have LIVE WIRES which deliver up to 10,000 volts of power, enough to deliver a hair-raising (no lethal) shock, sending criminals well on their way.

Peter Reck, proud owner of Live Wire Electric Fencing, has many years’ experience in the security industry.  Well qualified, Peter has his “Grade A PSIRA” certification, and will give you sound, professional advice on your security needs, measuring and quoting accurately for streamlined installations by his qualified teams. “We take the stress out of your security needs by quoting and reacting promptly and efficiently” says Peter Reck.

Celebrating 14 years in the Electrified Fencing industry, Live Wire remains committed to ensuring your safety, security and peace of mind. We strive to be the best in our field and operate with the integrity and honesty on which Live Wire built its name. Live Wire signage is not only your Guarantee for service from us but it is also a legal warning requirement.
A Live Wire Electric Fence will keep intruders OUT of your property.  It is an extremely effective and affordable crime barrier for:

  • Residential Properties
  • Apartment Blocks
  • Industrial Properties
  • Motor Dealerships
  • Embassies
  • No Job too big or too small! 
  • Profession Quotes done by Peter at a price tailored to suit your special requirements and needs.

LIVE WIRE BACK UP AND SERVICE:  With 2 full time service and maintenance teams on the road, we offer full back up service for your peace of mind. Our call out and labour rates are very affordable and we do repairs to all electric fences.  Our Energisers carry a 2 year Guarantee and all parts installed carry a full 12 month guarantee. Workmanship and Installations proudly and neatly done, giving you peace of mind.
PROFESSIONAL QUOTES SERVICE IN ALL AREAS GIVE US A Buzzzzz on 021 552 6803 OR 086 000 5555.

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Nov. 20, 2013, 4:20 p.m
Invest in your family's safety - Electric fencing

One has only to look at the daily news articles available locally to understand and realize that the personal safety of yourself and your family is constantly under imminent threat.

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