Live-wire electric fencing Cape Town


 13 years ago

Live Wire Electrified Fencing was one of the very first electric fencing companies to be established in Cape Town (1998) and now holds a reputation for excellent service and workmanship.  We are backed up by 2 dedicated Service Teams, 3 new electric fencing installation teams and Peter Reck, proud owner of Live Wire since 2008.  Peter previously gained invaluable experience when he was General Manager of a very large security company in Cape Town. With many years in the security industry, he has his Grade “A” Psira qualification (security) and he is the “LIVE” behind Live Wire, measuring up and quoting for customer in sometimes “shocking” weather conditions. Although he gets bitten by dogs, shocked, cut and wounded on site sometimes, he is always professional and forever hearty and cheerful. “It is important for us to be ethical and honest in everything we do and by offering the very best service and workmanship for you, the customer.  Success breeds success and this is the key to all things” believes Peter. 

Experience is the key to success and happy Live Wire Customers.  Sjaan Laubscher  joined Live Wire in way back in 1999 when Live Wire was born.  He has installed thousands of electric Fences all over the Cape Peninsula with his highly skilled team. With many years of professional experience and training, Sjaan was the obvious choice for promotion to Technical Manager and Assistant to Peter Reck. Many of you will remember Sjaan from the old days and the present days.   All at Live Wire congratulate him on his promotion and have noted that he is on the mark when it comes to service excellence and workmanship.  Sjaan has always been a perfectionist and prides himself in absolutely everything he does.  Well done Sjaan!

Remember, it is important when considering your choice of Electric Fencing Service Provider, to select wisely, on reputation and references.  Ensure that you get the back up of good after sales service together with your guarantee. We have been in business for many years and know the understanding of the word Guarantee, which is nothing without backup and support now and in the future. 

For FREE electric fencing quotes and maintenance service in all areas, give us a BUZZZZZZZZZZ  on 021 552-6803 or visit us at

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Nov. 20, 2013, 4:20 p.m
Invest in your family's safety - Electric fencing

One has only to look at the daily news articles available locally to understand and realize that the personal safety of yourself and your family is constantly under imminent threat.

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